Terms and Conditions of sale

1. Acceptance of terms
By accessing, browsing or using the https://newfreshstart.org website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these terms and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree to these terms, we suggest that you refrain from using the website.
2. Services
https://newfreshstart.org offers an online stress management counseling service. This service is available to people of all ages and nationalities.
The service consists of individual or group counseling sessions, which are carried out through video calls. Sessions are led by a team of professional counselors, trained to help people manage stress effectively.
3. Prices
The price of the online stress management counseling service is $150 USD per session. Individual sessions last 60 minutes and group sessions last 120 minutes.
4. Payment
Payment for the service can be made through the web page enabled for this purpose on the website https://newfreshstart.org/
5. Cancellation
Session cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. If you do not cancel a session before the time stipulated above, it will be assumed that the meeting will take place at the time and place you have booked online.
6. Guarantee
https://newfreshstart.org/ offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you do not feel satisfied with the service, you can request a new appointment with another of our professionals as long as the reasons given are reasonably true and clear, at no time will any money be refunded under any circumstances.
7. Intellectual property rights
The content of the https://newfreshstart.org/ website, including but not limited to text, images, videos, audio and software, is the property of https://newfreshstart.org/ and is protected by copyright, laws of trademarks and other intellectual property rights. You may not copy, distribute, modify, publish, transmit, reproduce, create derivative works, publicly display or perform, sell or license, or in any way exploit any part of the Website without the prior written permission of https://newfreshstart .org/.
8. Use of the website
You may use the https://newfreshstart.org/ website for personal, non-commercial purposes only. You may not use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms.
You are responsible for all content that you post or transmit through the Website. You may not post or transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or violates the intellectual property rights of any person.
https://newfreshstart.org/ reserves the right to remove any content it deems inappropriate or illegal.
9. Links to other websites
The https://newfreshstart.org/ website may contain links to other websites. https://newfreshstart.org/ is not responsible for the content of these other websites.
10. Modifications to the terms
[Service Name] may modify these terms at any time. It is your responsibility to review these terms periodically to be aware of any changes.
11. Jurisdiction
These terms are governed by the laws of the USA. Any dispute related to these terms will be resolved in the courts of NEW YORK, USA.
12. Language
These terms are available in English. In the event of a conflict between the English version and any other version, the English version will prevail.
13. Contact
If you have any questions about these terms, you may contact https://newfreshstart.org/ via the following email address:
[email protected]
Explanation of some terms.
Acceptance of terms: This term indicates that the user agrees with the terms and conditions of the service.
Services: This term describes the services offered by the online stress management counseling service.
Prices: This term indicates the price of the service.
Payment: This term indicates how payment for the service can be made.
Cancellation: This term indicates how a session of the service can be canceled.
Guarantee: This term indicates that the service offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Intellectual property rights: This term indicates that the content of the service website is protected by intellectual property rights.

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